2020-M06 v 2021-M06 remains strong and repeats an almost equal and comparatively strong month in terms of value and volume. Overall year-on-year, 2021-H1 performance is c.15.00% ahead of 2020-H1’s results. Investors’ withdrawals remain stable at c.EUR 0.41m and is …
2020-M05 v 2021-M05 remains strong and continues to double trade value by 108.9% and volumes up by c.66.00% too. This continues to show that year-on-year, 2021-05 performance is ahead 2020-05’s results by 17.50%. Investors’ withdrawals stabilised at c.EUR 0.57m and is…
2020-M04 v 2021-M04 shows a very strong doubling in trade value at c.EUR 13.16m and 1,012 in volumes. This continues to show that year-on-year, 2021-04 performance is only 6.643% off 2020-04’s results. Unlike March, Investors’ withdrawals eased to c.EUR 0.41m and is more…
2020-M03 v 2021-M03 although a considerable improvement, it is still the wrong side of 2020’s numbers w/ trade value 17.64% lower. This is a preliminary sign of the Year softening favourably but volumes are still off by c.30.00%. Investors’ withdrawals of c.EUR 1.85m were …
2020-M02 v 2021-M02 continues to disappoint as the Winter ends w/ trade value down 57.44%. The poor start to the Year hardens the c.26.49% drop in Trade volumes too. Origination struggles to continue its strong 2020 Y/E. c.EUR 0.33m of Investors’ withdrawals was generally…
2020-M01 v 2021-M01 disappointing beginning to the year with trade value down 62.42%. Slow, sleepy start to the Year with a c.30.00% drop in Trade volumes too. Overall poor start to 2021, particularly after the strong ending recorded in 2020. Investors’ withdrawals of c.EUR …
2020-Y/E v 2019-Y/E trade value was 56.36% higher at c.EUR 157.95m to Y/E. Continued international trade finance deals support this business sector as it develops into 2021. Trade volumes were also 11.45% higher than the 2019 year’s results. Investors withdrawals of c.EUR 0.91m …
2020-M11 v 2019-M11 trade value was 83.28% higher. Continued international trade finance deals support this business sector as it develops in 2020-Q4. Trade volumes were 13.33% lower than prior year results. Investors withdrawals of c.EUR 0.36m were again seasonally low…
2020-M10 v 2019-M10 trade value is 67.92% higher. More international trade finance deals occurring as this new business sector develops in 2020-Q4. Trade volumes were on par with prior year results. Monthly withdrawals by Investors were seasonally low at c.EUR 0.56m…
2020-M09 v 2019-M09 continues its strong increase in trade value of 68.09% as more PPE trades washed through the system and new business sectors are developed. Trade volumes continued to remain low. Monthly withdrawals by Investors were low at c.EUR 0.26m…