2013-Q4 ETR Briefing

Exchange Traded Receivables [ETR], are invoices issued under Contract for goods and services supplied to investment quality† companies, or credit insured invoices from Investment Grade [IG] insurers. As at Q4, Credebt Exchange® held RPA of €4.3m, with €2.7m allocated during the quarter. The full spectrum of available ETR was utilised and all currency exposure was hedged.

Settled ETR totalled €1.9m during the period, representing 36% of all outstanding trades. There continues to be no delinquent ETR recorded to date. Overall market conditions are favourable, with strong growth expected for 2014.


2013-Q4 was the second quarter of trading for Credebt Exchange®. Total Debtors numbered 270+ with a total trade value of € 4.8m to date. Daily volume remained steady in excess of 1,300+. Highest single value trades were in October & December at an average of € 0.15m. Total current RSA are valued at € 15.1m+


Yield trend stabilised at an average of 3.75% during the quarter. Originator trading volumes continued on a slightly upward trend, with Investor demand slowing in December. Originator demand for 2014 will be strong. Additional capacity for RPA contracts of €10-15.0m are expected in Q1-2014, subject to Institutional Investor demand.

2013-Q4 ETR Briefing Trade Credebt

2013-Q4 ETR Briefing

† Investment quality is a combination of Investment Grade [IG] organisations & other credit worthy organisations, as determined by AIG and other credit rating providers, from time to time

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How to use risk to your advantage

As explained in the previous article “It’s all about Risk…” you’ll now understand that larger organisations get preferential treatment from banks.  That’s the status quo and isn’t likely to change any time soon.  So what can you do to improve the banks perception of your business, so that you achieve ‘next best’ status?

The answer is to make sure you present your business as the ‘next best’ lowest possible risk.  This means you have to remove all possible negative ‘what if’ scenarios, wherever you can. What if these top two customers cancel their business with you? What if your cost of supplies increases unexpectedly?  What if a senior member of staff leaves? What if demand in your market declines suddenly?  And so on…

The more you think about all the risks that undermines the integrity and viability of your business, then you’re thinking like a banker.  Banks don’t like risk.  If you have given sufficient thought to the removal or reaction to risk, then you’re making it easier for them to lend to you.

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It’s all about Risk

Once you understand risk, then you’ll begin to understand banks and how banking works.  Banks, investors, shareholders, managers, financial markets, brokers and other investment/lending professionals all learn about risk.  That’s not to say they necessarily understand risk in all its guises, but they must understand the principal that high risk is bad risk.

Think of it like parenting. Does a responsible parent leave a young child with the wild teenager next door, or do they leave the child with a mature, responsible adult? If you were a bank, who would you rather lend money to: an established, well managed, large company or the young start-up business (notice how inverting this speaks volumes: ‘up-start’)?

As a bank manager, if you are paid the same salary for lending to large companies as you were for lending to the up-starts (sorry, start-up), but were only promoted when the loan was repaid, who would you lend too?

Unless you’re being obstinate, the answer’s simple: the established, well managed, large company is less risky than the young start-up.  So they get the money first (and in most cases, at much lower cost too). Only after the large corporates market is satisfied, will banks look to the micro-medium sized, more risky market.

Low risk, high volume lending is more efficient and ‘safer’ than almost every type of other riskier lending to the micro-medium sized business.  That’s a simple fact of banking and isn’t likely to change any time soon.  So don’t get angry with your bank, if you were in their shoes, you’d probably use the same principal: low risk


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50+ Retail Investors

Today the Exchange received funds from it’s fiftieth Retail Investor.  Since the first date of trading on 4 July of his Year (see article: First RSA/RPA Trade Executed), achieving 50 Retail Investors demonstrates a strong appetite amongst the investment community for strong, short term cash-equivalents such as ETR….

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2013-Q3 ETR Briefing

Exchange Traded Receivables [ETR] are invoices issued under Contract for goods and services supplied to investment quality† companies, or credit insured invoices from Investment Grade [IG] insurers. As at Q3, Credebt Exchange® held RPA of €3.2m, with €1.7m contributed during the quarter. The full spectrum of available ETR was utilised and all currency exposure was hedged

In September, Credebt Exchange® introduced Instalment ETR [i-ETR] with Standard & Poor’s AA- or X2A Long-Term rating. i-ETR are invoices under Contract payable on an instalment basis (e.g. insurance premiums/asset purchases)


2013-Q3 was the first quarter of trading for Credebt Exchange®. Debtor numbers to the end of September were circa 200. Daily volume rose sharply with total recorded trades in excess of 1,300+. Highest single value trades were in July and September at an average of € 0.4m. Current RSA valued at € 13.1m+


Yield continued to trend downwards during the quarter, reflective of prevailing deposit rates. Volume of Originator trading continued a steady trend upwards with Investor demand slowing in August and returning to steady growth in September. Outlook for Q4 is medium to strong with immediate, additional capacity for RPA contracts of €3-5.0m

2013-Q3 ETR Briefing Trade Credebt

2013-Q3 ETR Briefing

† Investment quality is a combination of Investment Grade [IG] organisations & other credit worthy organisations, as determined by AIG and other credit rating providers, from time to time

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Membership, Fees & Charges

IMPORTANT:- Some links in this article will only be accessible to authorised Members that have logged into the Exchange Trade Centre

Credebt Exchange® aims to be clear and transparent on the how it deducts charges (i.e. fees and commissions) from payments to any Member account. Before examining any deductions from a Member account, the Originator should log in to their account and view the Important Information items listed on the Exchange Trade Centre |
Dash Board (access to the Exchange Trade Centre is restricted to Members only) The information provided here is required reading.

There is also additional information in all of the articles in the Credebt Exchange® Tips & Help public section of this web site.   If any aspect of what is documented is not clear, Originators are invited to submit questions to Support using the Support & Customer Care Form.  Questions submitted using this form are regularly added to the Frequently Asked Questions, or FAQ, section of this web site.

Combining the Frequently Asked Questions, the articles contained in this section, the Credebt Exchange® Tips & Help and the Exchange Trade Centre | Dash Board with the documentation sent to all Originator Members, should provide a comprehensive understanding of the service.  Originators and all Members are encouraged to communicate their views to the Customer Care Team.

The most efficient way to communicate with Credebt Exchange® is by using the Support & Customer Care Form.  All submissions are responded to within 24-72 hours.

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Exchange Fees & Charges

IMPORTANT:- Some links in this article will only be accessible to authorised Members that have logged into the Exchange Trade Centre

In accordance with the Credebt Exchange® Master Agreement sub section 6.13: “The Account Bank will draw any fees and/or commissions that the Member owes to Credebt Exchange® from the relevant Member Account. Credebt Exchange will provide the Member with an electronic invoice of such fees to the Member.” Sub section 6.13 also states: “In the event that a Member does not pay all amounts owed to Credebt Exchange, Credebt Exchange shall have the right to set-off any amounts then owed by the Member to Credebt Exchange against any amounts then or thereafter due to the Member and/or Credebt Exchange shall have the right to deduct any outstanding amounts due to Credebt Exchange from any Collections in respect of a Traded ETR, or from the Member Account, in respect of that Member.”

Fees are liable for VAT and electronic invoices are issued for each charge that may include a:

  • Arrangement Fee – one-time setup charge for arranging Membership as indicted on the RSA Offer
  • Debtors Ratings Fee – €11.75 charge for checking each Debtor’s credit rating when requesting an RSA Offer
  • Digital Certificate Fee – annual digital certificate charge as indicted on the RSA Offer
  • Membership Fee – monthly charge for Exchange Membership as indicted on the RSA Offer
  • Posting Fee – discretionary charge per posted ETR as indicted on the RSA Offer
  • Collection Charges – discretionary charge for providing credit management and/or debt collection services

Fees are charged on the first ETR sales transaction conducted by the Originator each month. In the absence of any sale of ETR in any month, in accordance with the Credebt Exchange® Master Agreement, fees may be deducted from ETR Settlement or Reserve payments. To view specific RSA Offer(s) and invoices for all fees charged on a Member account, login to the Exchange Trade Centre | Dash Board and use the My Reports link on the left side of the Exchange Trade Centre | Dash Board.

All ETR trading is subject to the Discount and Commissions specified in the RSA Offer. The total Discount is easily calculated as explained in the Calculate the Cost of Funds article. Neither the Discount nor the Commissions are liable for VAT and no invoice is required because these are an integral part of the Purchase Price and the Reserve calculations. These are automatically deducted from transaction payments and may include a:


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Add New User

IMPORTANT:- Some links in this article will only be accessible to authorised Members that have logged into the Exchange Trade Centre

In many instances there is more than one user in an Originator organisation that requires access to the Exchange Trade Centre. To add a new Debtor, use the Add new User interface that is accessed directly from the Originator Dashboard using the yellow ‘Add new User’ menu item from the left side menu: My Organisation -> Add new User.

Add New User Trade Credebt

When this form is submitted, the new user receives an email inviting them to complete a simple form and submit it. Once the request is approved, the user will receive a second email to complete the process. Once completed, they too will have access to the Exchange Trade Centre.

IMPORTANT:- The new use must complete both forms using the same web same browser, otherwise their digital certificate will not work and they will not be able to access the Exchange Trade Centre.

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The SB³ Trading Algorithm

The Sell, Bid Bumps & Buy [SB³] algorithm uses two mathematical calculations to regulate efficient, and smooth, trading in volume. The SB³ algorithm injects simple ingenuity into the practical issues of operating an efficient Exchange. The components of the algorithm are:

  • Sell
  • Buy
  • Bid Bumps

Originators want a simple, fast, efficient and most importantly: reliable source of alternative working capital. This can only be achieved in one of two ways, either by having:

  • sufficient deposits ‘waiting’ to be approved and lent (by a bank, for example)
  • committed funds that are delivered automatically, subject to meeting specific criteria


As Credebt Exchange® is not a deposit taker or lender, it can only achieve the second alternative if it has the requisite funds committed for automatic delivery. One requisite component for the success of Credebt Exchange® relies on its ability to control the Sell (i.e. the Originator offer) price. The Sell price Minimum Offer stop setting is controlled from the Back Office.


Investors, provided with choice, will naturally ‘rush to quality’, meaning that they will always seek Investment Grade [IG] with the highest yields, first. This causes a trade imbalance where medium and low IG yields force ‘heavy discounts’ onto Originators. Together, these result in Originators’ Sell price erosion to unacceptable levels and ultimately, may destroy the Exchange business proposition.

To prevent this, the Exchange must focus and adequately deliver on the Investors’ primary requirements for yield and capital protection. During the negotiation of the Buy rate with the Retail Investors/intermediaries, they commit to automated trading in the Revolving Market. This confirmation occurs during the Investor signup process where the acceptance of automated trading, at the negotiated Buy rate, and is activated using the “I Agree” button. The second requisite component for the success of Credebt Exchange® is achieved by its ability to control the Investor bid and Buy price. The Buy price is then automatically manipulated by the two Bid Bump components of the SB³ algorithm.


Investor automated, positive or negative, bidding adjustments, or Bid ‘Bumps’, occur using two variables in the SB³ algorithm, namely the:

  • CDP Fixed Variable
  • Order Floating Variable

CDP Fixed Variable
Credit Default Protection [CDP] is the Credebt Exchange® trade name for credit insurance. Organisations like AIG provide credit insurance to thousands of companies. Like Credebt Exchange®, their risk exposure is to the Debtor. OngThe AIG OnRisk insurance policy, written specifically Credebt Exchange® Master Agreement, provides CDP to Retail Investors on the Exchange. In the event that any Debtor fails to Settle (i.e. pay in full) their ETR, AIG pays 90% of the Face Value of the ETR.
When an Investor buys an ETR, they pay the Purchase Price (i.e. a discounted amount) of the Face Value. The Purchase Price is calculated as follows:
                                                                           Purchase Price =                    Face Value                  
                                                                                                           1+((180/360) x (Buy Price x 12)))
On average, the Purchase Price will be about 90.000% of the ETR Face Value. In such an example, if an ETR fails to Settle, the Investor’s risk exposure would be 0.000%. Therefore, to completely eliminate the Investor’s risk exposure, the Buy Price must be increased by a CDP Fixed Variable percentage to ‘fill the gap’. The CDP Fixed Variable increase is the first Bid Bump.

Order Floating Variable

There is no sure method of predicting what ETR value a Originator will post to the Trade Floor. Equally, there is no practical and efficient method of automatically matching the total value of any single Investor’s funds to the exact same and equal value of a collection of ETR†. To maintain the negotiated Investor return for a fixed period the ‘gap’, created between their purchased ETR and the total value of their fund, must be eliminated. As ETR Settle and new ETR are purchased, this gap will frequently fluctuate throughout the fixed period. Each specific Investor will have a different and changing percentage that is called the Order Floating Variable.

SB³ Algorithm Result
The unpredictability of the Order Floating Variable creates a true random number. Its unpredictability is combined with the CDP Fixed Variable to produce a single SB³ algorithm result. This truly random figure is then used to create a truly random set of multiple, automated Investor Bids that:

  • creates volatility and/or liquidity on the Exchange;
  • prevents reverse engineering for price derivation;
  • drives the ‘best Buy price’ towards Originators;
  • ensures no Originator Offer is left without a Bid;
  • maintains Investor yield at all times;
  • mitigates Investor risk; and
  • enables institutional Investors to manually trade the volatility


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ETR Overview

Credebt Exchange® was founded in 2011, specifically to address two important issues in the economy: 1. liquidity in the micro-medium business sector; and 2. providing a strong, stable, cash equivalent alternative to bank deposits for Investors. Trading commenced in July, 2013 and Credebt Exchange® continues to deliver on its commitments to both businesses and Investors.

The Investor’s yield is achieved by purchasing Exchange Traded Receivables [ETR] at a discount. As explained in the ETR Fact Sheet, ETR are invoices issued under Contract for goods and services supplied to investment quality companies or credit insured invoices from Investment Grade [IG] insurers. ETR provide Investors with:


  • ETR payable by investment quality companies
  • 100% ETR Repurchase (see AIG in the ETR Fact Sheet)
  • 4-Tier capital protection (see ETR Overview)


  • Using RPA, typical investment period is 1-Year revolving
  • Full or partial redemption available on request
  • No ‘break charges’ or early redemption fees


Tax Efficient

  • Significantly tax efficient for individuals with annual exemption
  • Subject to status, may be off-set against capital losses
  • Individual’s return taxed as a capital gain



  • Substantial increase on comparable bank deposit rates
  • Capital not committed for long periods, or years
  • Higher yield than alternative cash equivalents
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