2017-M07 v 2016-M07 trade value in the period showed a 4.63% increase. This is below the average annual growth rate of 70.00%+. 2017-M06 trade volumes were down by -24.25% on 2016-M07 volumes. Total creditors & debtors increased to c.3,500 in the month with total trade…
Investabill ETR® are fixed value Exchange Traded Receivables that are loans or bills issued under contract for goods and services supplied to investment quality† companies, or credit insured invoices from Investment Grade [IG] insurers. As at M12, Credebt Exchange® held RSA of EUR 246.2m, with EUR 12.29m allocated. EUR 0.35m of Investor redemptions were transacted. Trading for M12 totalled EUR 6.56m+ of trade, with all available ETR utilised.
Treasury performance at EUR 3.61m of settled ETR was significantly below the trade volumes for the month. This is seasonal and will improve as the value in trade stabilises.