2020-M05 v 2019-M05 showed a decrease of 57.29% in trade volume, due to Covid-19 but overall trade value remains marginally up at 6.63%. There was less than EUR 100.0k Investor withdrawals during the month. The Credebt® Index almost hit another all-time high at 115...
Investabill ETR® are fixed value Exchange Trade Receivables that are loans or bills issued under contract for goods and services supplied to investment quality† companies, or credit insured invoices from Investment Grade [IG] insurers. As at M04, Credebt Exchange® held RSA of EUR 210.9m, with EUR 15.49m allocated. EUR 0.91m of Investor redemptions were transacted. Trading for M05 totalled EUR 9.16m+ of trade, with all available ETR utilised.
Treasury performance at EUR 3.88m of settled ETR was significantly below the trade volumes for the month.